Lecture and talk show interview on Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Studio Visits is a weekly live lecture and talk show at Alfred University which brings artists and thinkers to the Holmes stage each Wednesday morning at 9 am. First, the guest presents their work in a lecture format and then intermission! When the audience returns, the stage is transformed into a talk show set. The sculpture graduate students (and sometimes others) act as interviewers and bring the guest back to the stage. The interviews use lively games, unusual questions, and surprise call-in guests to give the live audience a new perspective about the artist and their work!
Studio Visits is recorded live and the segments are available on this blog and on Vimeo.
Studio Visits is a project of the Foundation and Sculpture Graduate Programs of the School of Art and Design at Alfred University. It’s headed by professors M. Michelle Illuminato and Brett Hunter. Alfred University is located in Alfred, New York (where it is very cold in the winter).]]>